Let's make this a little bit more interesting.
Natively, the BaseBrawl protocol provides an avenue to enhance the thrill of your rumbling. Prior to commencing a match (as mentioned in the queueing section) players are presented with a number of options before the matchmaking process begins - one of those options is selecting the wager amount.
Wagers are exactly what they sound like, players are able to commit a fixed amount of ETH (0.001, 0.01, 0.1 up to 1 ETH) to the match with the winner player claiming the pot less the protocol take rate.In the event of a draw, both players are refunded their respective wagers and the protocol does not claim the take rate.
The protocol take rate is 10% of the pot, with 5% being distributed back to the protocol treasury to further fund development and community growth. The remaining 5% is provided to the UI/UX developer referring Players to the queue (as highlighted within The End Game portion of this documentation).
Players will only ever be matched with other Players that select the same wager amounts.
A Word of Caution: the BaseBrawl wager community is anticipated to be a highly competitive environment given the financial incentive. As a permissionless protocol, undoing a wager is not possible once the match has commenced. Always proceed with caution when entering a wager, all onchain activities contain smart contract risk and the event of manipulation of gameplay mechanics is not out of the realms of possibility. Only wager what you can afford to lose, anticipate that all ETH put into a wager match will be lost to your opponent.
Wagers are not forced and are a completely optional enhancement to BaseBrawl on an opt-in basis. The protocol was designed to be as accessible as possible for all users and a zero wager queue will always be available from deployment.
Last updated