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Hold manoeuvres are unique in the way they impact gameplay, they have advantages and disadvantages, crafting your Brawlers moveset around executing specific holds may prove incredibly fruitful in some scenarios, but limit your pathways to victory in others. Lets dive into how hold manoeuvres differ from standard manoeuvres.
Once a hold manoeuvre is successfully executed, the player in control will have the option to either retain the hold or release the hold. It is important to note, retaining a hold will not require an additional manoeuvre attempt and can be continually held on until either it fails or the opponent successfully counters. When a hold is retained and successfully hits again, the manoeuvre attributes will be applied again. For example, if the hold is "Armbar" and Armbar costs the player in control 100 energy to execute and does 10 arm damage to the defender, this will be applied each turn the hold is successfully applied. For more information on how holds can potentially end the game, see the 'Submission' section of .
You gotta hold on, to what you got!