The back of your card.
On registration, each Brawler is assigned default statistics for that specific collection (Pudgies vary to Apes in default statistics for example). Major and minor statistics can be improved over time by spending XP and $BB (excluding the Level statistic that will increase based on total XP earned), in-game statistics however are game specific and reset to zero after each game is completed - they do not carry over and cannot be improved. Minor statistics cost less XP than major statistics to improve as they have a larger impact on gameplay.
The below table provides a description of each statistic and how they each individually impact gameplay:
Health (HP)
The closer a Brawlers HP gets to 0, the more likely they are to be successfully pinned. Negative HP does not end the game, to claim a pinfall victory a Brawler MUST be successfully pinned. Note: there is always a small chance (regardless of how low the HP) that a Brawler kicks out of any pin attempt.
Head Health
Impacts the success rate of defensive manoeuvres, if head health is below 0 and a submission is applied targeting the head - submission victory is achieved.
Body Health
Impacts the success rate of manoeuvres that primarily use the body, if body health is below 0 and a submission is applied targeting the body - submission victory is achieved.
Arms Health
Impacts the success rate of manoeuvres that primarily use the arms, if arm health is below 0 and a submission is applied targeting the arms - submission victory is achieved.
Legs Health
Impacts the success rate of manoeuvres that primarily use the legs, if leg health is below 0 and a submission is applied targeting the legs - submission victory is achieved.
When attempting a manoeuvre or attempting a pinfall, energy values are compared to calculate success. Actions such as executing manoeuvres, failing manoeuves and pin attempts deplete a Brawlers energy.
Increases gradually over time as a Brawler earns XP and is utilized for level capped queues and tournament modes.
Stamina is utilized the calculate the energy cost of a manoeuvre. Each manoeuvre has a base energy cost which is then multiplied against the Brawlers stamina to calculate the total energy cost of the manoeuvre. Like a golf score, a lower stamina value is better than a higher one.
When calculating the success of a manoeuvre with a liftrequired value > 0, the weight statistic of the opposite player is factored into the calculation.
When calculating the success of a manoeuvre with a liftrequired value > 0, the strength statistic of the player is factored into the calculation.
When attempting to counter an opponents manoeuvre, the difference between the two Brawlers intelligence levels is factored into the calculation.
Some manoeuvres deal stun damage on success, stun values reduce the chance of successfully performing manoeuvres. Stun decays on a turn by turn basis.
DQ Points
DQ points accrue either through performing illegal manoeuvres and/or resting, if a Brawlers DQ points exceed the DQ limit - there is a chance they will be disqualified and will lose the game. Disqualification risk is only calculated at the point where the Brawler accrues more DQ points.
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