The End Game
The pathway to decentralizing the protocol
The ownership and future direction of the BaseBrawl protocol has been engineered to be handed to the community at a point in time where the protocol has gained significant market adoption. The protocol's founding team has been tasked with growing the initial community, deploying the protocol and balancing initial gameplay (based on community feedback) in a fast and iterative way unencumbered by community decision making processes to ensure a rapid (and successful) go-to-market strategy.
Developers who wish to build an alternative frontend UI/UX for the BaseBrawl protocol are free to do so even during the founding team's initial tenure. By providing an alternative experience, developers are able to capture queueing fees from the wagering system to compensate them for supporting the growth of the protocol. By simply passing their own wallet address as the interface receiver on the queueSystem.sol contract deployment (see joinQueue function), the protocol enables an avenue for revenue capture. We highly encourage developers to consider building alternative UIs for the protocol to provide a range of options to facilitate target user preferences.
A variety of governance frameworks are being considered and as the protocol begins to take shape - one of those frameworks will take charge on leading the future direction of the protocol. This will be done at a time when the founding team has deemed the community resilient and distributed enough to act in the best interests of the protocols future.
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