Begin your Brawlers journey.
Once a collection has been integrated into the Basebrawl protocol, the final step before a Brawler begins their journey is to execute registration for a specific TokenId. Registration populates a Brawler's initial manoeuvre set and statistics, allowing access to the queue system and arenas.
The protocol provides the ability for governance to define a cost for registration, denominated in any ERC20 token. The amount and token chosen for registration is configurable on a per collection basis, allowing communities with their own tokens to negotiate with the BaseBrawl community on payment terms - providing a pathway for adding additional utility to their ecosystem by integrating with the BaseBrawl protocol.
Fees collected from Brawler registrations accrue to the protocol fee collector. As governance becomes decentralized and handed to the community, the BaseBrawl DAO will govern the use of this treasury for the betterment of the protocol.
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